Yes, like tofi, it has an acronym. The reality is that 60 percent of people who are overweight and obese have metabolic syndrome, just like 20 percent of thin people have it. Statistics are what they are.
Sois the state of obesity research, which increasingly classifies obesity as a symptom, a disease. It is what it is. By the way, I keep up with the research, not anecdote, and you and I are just that, anecdotes.
But you know when I lost weight and kept it off? Not Weight Watchers…when I changed my attitude around d food and decided to eat good hrs,thy food, whole food. Another statement supported by evidence. You might be healthy now, but obesity does increase your risks of metabolic syndrome, which is going up globally.
We know why too.hyper processed a d hyper-palatable highly processed foods.
One last thing, you individually owe me nothing. Really you or me are not that important.