We failed young Jews in the US.
Not the first time. German Jews thought they were German first. I think I am American, but if need be, ready to run. That’s a lesson from dad. His family had been in Knyshin for over 300 years, probably longer.
Events will teach them a lesson. Especially since Zionism is encoded in Judaism, as in go all the way to Babylon. Today I touched on Derbent. It’s less obvious, but Chicago is heading the same way.
As to the army I expect religious Jews to leave, not all, but some will. And yes, some older Jews also missed the lessons of history
We are all but religious, but since Oct 7, like my mother, we started having Shabbat dinner.
I am also sure your friend was not part of the Jews and Palestinians who harassed the WH to get air drops going, or the JLOTs installed. I have my suspicion as to what happened to that pier that it was removed, and now back. Let’s just say it’s not weather.