The War Comes to Moscow

Nadin Brzezinski
4 min readJan 19, 2023
Ministry of Defense, Moscow, with a Pantsir. AA system on the roof

“Pantsir-S1” is being dragged to the building of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


- Here, comrade fighters, this is our protection against Khokhlyat drones… Okay, Petrov!

- Me!

- Pull the Shell up the stairs.

Petrov is trying, trying, not lifting.

- Don’t raise it, comrade Minister of Defense!

- Sidorov, help Petrov.

They try together, the same situation.

- There’s no way to raise it, Comrade Minister of Defense!

- Ivanov, help.

The three of them are puffing. They can’t raise it.

- Well, there’s no way to raise it at all, Comrade Minister of Defense!

- Did you want blasphemy? Twenty tons! !



Nadin Brzezinski

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB