The Return of Central Planning
It was not a surprise, really, when I read on several Telegram channels that Russia is considering the return of autarky and central planning. They are already deep into this process with import substitution because sanctions are indeed biting.
Yes, you can still find some western products because there is a gray economy that includes a lot of imports from the west through less-than-transparent logistics chains. But now we are going to see the return of GOSPLAN. This is central planning.
This is one of these posts. I chose this one since it has more detail than the rest:
Have you been waiting for it? And he came
Experts from Moscow State Technical University, REYA, Moscow State University and Moscow Federal Law Academy are developing a “digital State Planning Committee”. They want to bring down this unheard-of happiness on the heads of Russians by 2024, and in 2025 to create a central body that will plan everything and everything.
First, innovations will be introduced in key sectors of the economy, and then they will switch to standard five-year plans. The first to suffer will experience the new format of radio electronics and automotive industry, which urgently need to be imported. They will be followed by petrochemistry, agriculture, transport and medicine.