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The Carlson-Putin Interview

Nadin Brzezinski
8 min readFeb 9, 2024


So it finally happened. My view of the Interview between Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin is that it was an airing of grievances, with an accidental split-screen moment.

There were, at least to me, two moments when Putin made news, as it is said in the business. He threatened Poland again and complained to no end about NATO. I guess we Anglo-Saxons have been an issue since 1066…

This, of course, could have been half an hour. The rest was taken by an airing of grievances, and honestly, American MAGA probably was lost by references that happened deep in the Russian medieval period, like Yaroslav the Wise.

So here are some other reviews. This is the first. Yes, I promise, I will include the accidental split-screen moment, too:

I’ve been watching and studying Vladimir Putin for almost a quarter century now. I understand (as much as any foreigner can…) how he thinks, how he operates. I also know the huge role that information operations (IO) plays, and has played, in Russia for the past 100 years.

The truth is, my irritation over the Tucker Carlson interview has far more to do with Vladimir #Putin than it does with Tucker #Carlson. At the moment, the #Russian government is doing a full-court press to get the West to abandon #Ukraine. They’re messaging us via social media, through the mainstream…



Nadin Brzezinski
Nadin Brzezinski

Written by Nadin Brzezinski

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB

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