That’s the cover of a Russian novel. They produced a whole series of time travel novels singing the praises of comrade Stalin, where they took over and burned major landmarks in the west. In some they even fought side by side with comrade Hitler.
These are not alternate histories of WW2 where there are aliens, aka Turtledove. These are present day Russians traveling to WW2 and changing the results of the war, because for Comrade Putin 1945 was something of a defeat because it set the rules based order. They have also made films where they make this very point.
There is one of the House of Commons…and so it goes.
It’s bizarre…but they have been effective.
The people who support Putin are making a killing right now, and living their best lives, because of the rich army contracts. So a few in each town die. It’s also a very different society than ours. I started this making assumptions that are very much western…but the more I read the more I remember the stories dad and others told, that we children were not supposed to hear.
Yes, we heard adults talking of these things that Russians and Germans did, in whispers, between Spanish and Yiddish. The later I did not understand. But I understood the emotion. Decades later dad did tell me and my husband some of the stories. Turns out he wanted to protect us kids, and since some involve what he did as a soldier, or resistance member, rightfully so he believed we would not get it.
My husband is a military veteran, and after a few getting shot at as a medic, he figured we both would get it. It’s amazing how your view of human nature changes after rounds go through the thin walls of your ambulance and miss you, or the oxygen regulator by this much! So, they tell me yiu can tell from the eyes, and he did.