Member-only story
Telegram Owner Charged…
Yesterday, France released the charges against Pavel Durov. They are quite serious. However, they have nothing to do with free speech, preventing it, or prosecuting the war. The effects, though, are starting.
It’s worth noting that Durov, like many Russian oligarchs, has multiple passports. He is a French citizen and will be afforded all the rights of a French citizen in that court of law. Under French law, Durov is innocent until the state proves the case beyond reasonable doubt.
So here is the charging list:
France made public the 12 charges against Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov:
1️⃣Complicity for illegal transactions by organized crime groups;
2️⃣Refusal to provide the authorities with information or documents necessary for criminal investigations;
3️⃣Complicity — Dissemination of porn featuring minors;
4️⃣Complicity — Making it possible for organized groups to share porn featuring minors;
5️⃣Complicity — Acquisition, transport, possession and sale of narcotics;
6️⃣Complicity — Providing tools for cyber attacks;
7️⃣Complicity — Organized fraud;
8️⃣Association of criminals with the intent to commit a crime punishable by 5 years;