State of Emergency… Impeachable?

Nadin Brzezinski
4 min readJan 4, 2019

So we are in the midst of a government shutdown, partial as it may be. It is affecting over 800,000 federal employees, who will soon have trouble making a living from their paychecks. They are kind of frozen, for the moment. A good number of them are working without pay since they are deemed, essential employees.

US- Mexico Border, Tijuana Sector. Personal Collection

President Donald Trump and Democratic leaders met in the White House and Trump is doubling down. He intends to keep the partial government until he gets his way. If it takes months, he has no problem with this. If it takes years, again, no issue. He is even willing to declare a state of emergency to build his wall, a monument to his ego.

Let’s be clear. This is how a child or a dictator behaves. In some ways, the president is behaving like exactly both. He will not be happy until he gets this monument to his ego, and he does not care who gets hurt in the process. And it is not like he would have any problem meeting his financial obligations if his pay suddenly stopped (and it has not.)

He is independently wealthy and has not one iota of empathy or understanding. The claim that these same employees have called him with support is silly. I mean, the White House switchboard is not working due to the shutdown. Try it, call the White House.

What he is doing, is damage to that national security he claims to be so worried about…



Nadin Brzezinski

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB