Shanon your kid is ok. However, here are a few things to address with your post:
The four groups were replaced by the pyramid not out of greed, but science. That graphic is the most researched graphic out there,. It recommendations actually go back fifty years,. and yes, they come down to this. EAT LESS of certain foods that Americans tend to eat far more than they should, like red meat.
Yes, big food, like big tobacco, (sometimes the same companies) hates the message of eat less. They just do. For over seventy years the message was eat more, because of malnutrition issues in the American population. These recommendations are at a population level. But eat less started to be a message they wanted to give you starting in the 70s, and was fought by the meat producers afraid that you would actually follow the advise, and I mean you and me at a population level. That is bad for sales.
Obesity is a disease. And it is spreading like a slow moving pandemic globally, partly due to big food.
So let me tell you what is at the heart of federal guidelines going back 50 years, and muddled by the diet industry and the food industry.
Eat more fruit and veg, with whole grains. Eat less meat, eat more fish. eat chicken, have your portions of daily, enjoy good oils, like avocado and olive oil. avoid sugars. Yes, it is that simple. So read food labels like a hawk, and avoid highly processed foods. Yes, watch your portion size. You can still gain weight if you eat two pounds of oranges every day.
Is it possible to lose weight? Yes, even with lipidema.
Is this about social standards of beauty? Nope, it's about you. And now your daughter. Even ten percent of your body mass and keeping it off, will be good for your health
Incidentally, what is a diet? Whatever you eat, from the moment you are born to the day you take your last breath. It can be a healthy one (I prefer to model mine on the Mediterranean diet, with what I posted above, and I forgot nuts), Or it can be an atrocious one, made up of take aways and the rest of it. We actually have some agency in this. You can still have the occasional whatever, but I prefer not to. For us the pandemic broke the restaurant habit and we do not intend to go back to them, except rarely for celebrations.
And before you say it. my body was wrecked by a diabetes medication, so losing weight was not the easiest battle to wage, but at this point, those lifetime changes I have adopted, are here to stay. Did I eat for emotional reasons, rarely,. I just identify it. And yes, I was bullied as a kid too, for other reasons, I also know I will have to track my calories for life,. and I am ok with that. It is part of that lifetime.
But to deal with the food, you also need to deal with whatever is going on in your head. And no, it's hardly about will power. We have evidence that sugar is addictive, and changes how things like your cues for hunger (Leptin in the brain) act.
knowledge is power, and due to all that knowledge we have gotten most snacks out of the house. nor is anybody starving, we just eat plenty of veg, and some fruit... less of the rest. we go for the colors of the rainbow every day
And whoever is calling your daughter fat, well, they need a good talking to...because none has a right to do that to anybody, i speak as somebody who was bullied in school