Not if you are a T2D. This is carb intolerance at its finest. Sugar is sugar, the body could care less if the source is white bread or fruit. If I go over my carbs the day before, they are significantly higher in the morning. You would not tell somebody allergic to shell fish to eat shrimp, would you?
That said, our carb heavy diet, and the war on fat that started in 1977 is the reason for the obesity/metabolic disease pandemic. So is eating all the freaking time. It’s starting to be called diabesity
Fruit is good for you. It is nutrient rich. Not smoothies, or worst juices. The secret sauce for fruit is the fiber, that protects you from the fructose in the fruit. And if the fruit you chose has fiber, varying amounts, huge bowl does not precisely come to mind. The fiber makes that near impossible…the intact fiber that is.
And your body functions happily on ketones by the way. If you need glucose, certain structure of the brain can’t live on anything else, neither do your red blood cells, or the heart, your liver will make it. This is one of the problems for diabetics. We, as in mammals, have a dawn phenomena. But in diabetics, the liver does not know when to stop.
So as far as I am concerned, if I eat fruit, it is a few berries, which are very low in both glycemic index and load.
And we have gone bat-shit crazy. We used to know that potatoes, bread, and rice were fattening. This was common knowledge with even house wives, not knowing the hormonal reasons. Now we do. Then we were told ditch the fat, (eat more carbs). And a rare pasta night became a heart healthy thing to do.
We have a global pandemic of metabolic syndrome as a result. Thanks to the shitty science by one man…and a few other events…