Let me ask you a question, and frankly shocked a lawyer has not made this argument.
By the way, we know when life is viable…and this is relevant.
Under Jewish religious law, based on biblical text (and Jews are hardly alone) life starts at first breath, not conception. This is a viability test by the way.
By imposing a life starts at conception, the court is imposing one religious view over others, because this has zero to do with science. A just conceived product is not viable, period. Women have spontaneous abortions all the time. Then there are things like ectopic pregnancies that guarantee will kill mom without intervention.
So you are willing to impose a state religion? Because that is precisely what you are doing.
Now there is another fun fact. The only thing you change by removing a safe abortion is making this procedure go underground. Women will still do it. It’s just how many more will die.
Because I know, due to the imposition of a religious view, has nothing to do with science, birth control is next, and we are not going to pay for social services either.
The point of this is cruelty.
But yeah, pretty much, this is an imposition of a religious view. Never again complain about sharia ok. Ever.