I guess Alexandr Dugin is very much a ukronazi as well. For that matter Vladimir Putin who has not made any bones about his views on Ukraine.
Your use of the term tells me all I need to know about you and your adoption of official state propaganda. Speaking of state propaganda, both Soloviev and Simonyan have called for the death of every Ukrainian on Russia. TV and we both know these views did not get expressed as free speech. It is kind of funny. I wonder if you are my minder? Very much a term going back to the Soviet, and tsarist periods.
Here is Putin, the Ukronazi on the Kremlin’s own site, that I guess moved to Kyiv for this.
Here is the counter point by the way.
Let’s just say Ukrainians have not thought this for a long time, and I suspect Belarusians also see themselves as separate cultures, but Luka keeps the illusion for Moscow, and behaves like a satrap, not a head of state. For Ukrainians it goes all the way to the 19th century, at least, with the rise of modern day nationalism. But in truth it goes far into the past, when Ukrainians developed a different ethnic and cultural identity than Russians or Belarusians. One of the real cuts in that was the Mongol period. Kyiv remained more westward looking, while Moscow was “rediscovered” after centuries of isolation. Incidentally, right now reading into that wonderful period of the Muscovy Trading company and the Oprichnina. I love myself a secret police mixing the religious fervor, with the SS or Cheka efficiency. That both Stalin and Putin admire Ivan the Terrible and his methods is amusing, don’t you think?
It’s a pattern.
The same can be said about Belarus.
We also know why you Russians abuse the term nazi. Not only you are diminishing the term, but you use this with anybody who resists the Russian world. So go ahead, call the child of a Holocaust survivor nazi. You do with Ukrainians, don’t be shy. It’s not like I am going to take it personal any more, or feel insulted. It’s what children do.
You know who else did that? And by that I mean talking in insults of people who resisted them. Oh those “wonderful” people who talked of lebensbraun, living space. The same ones you signed a treaty with in 1939 to split Eastern Europe with. You know the treaty that is quite inconvenient for the myth of war you have created. The same exact enemy that would have defeated you if it wasn’t for lend lease. Speaking of a Moscow-Berlin axis, Dugin wants to recreate it.
Before you say it, both Stalin and Khrushchev admitted to the critical role of lend lease to the Soviet War effort, though were not too public about it. But we know they did. No, you did not win that war on your own, and many a Sherman tank rode side by side with T34/85, and many an American truck transported American food rations across the steppe on the way west to Berlin. The joke with many a red army soldier, when consuming those exact rations, was that they were opening a second front.
The concept of Russian World has some similarities to living space. Look in the mirror, you should not like what you see reflected back. At least I would think so. But then again, Russians are very good at self delusion.