I grew up in Mexico. I worked in the medical sector. Some of this is indeed in your head.
Obesity rates are high enough that the us and Mexico take turns in who is number one. And the cost of living may seem low to you, since you have dollars.
It’s not.
And Mexico has a crisis of trust in systems and governments as well as a war on drugs that has brought violence the levels of which you don’t see in the US, nor do people are literally disappeared in acid baths. This happens in Mexico. Why autodefensas. Be careful about asking those questions.
The US has a lot of issues as well. One of them is not Marxist nanny state Since you live in a country with an actual Marxist party, in fact two…(partido del trabajo, partido communista) and you live in a region of the country where these two are quite strong, go find a few Marxist’s. You can, and learn what the term actually means.
You also live in a region with historically very high income inequality and deep poverty.
And I forgot, down the road are the Zapatista strongholds, if you really want to go discuss left wing politics, liberation theology, and corruption. The US is a neoliberal hell-scape in some respects. Yes,Mexicans will gladly regale you with the effects of neoliberalism as well, with a dash of disaster capitalism.
Sorry, this you write is the words of romanticism, and naïveté.