Dexter’s Trauma

Nadin Brzezinski
3 min readFeb 3, 2022
Dexter a couple of weeks after adoption in 2019

From time to time I write about my dog Dexter. We adopted him at the pound, not realizing how serious his atopic dermatitis was. He is a special needs dog that requires constant medical attention.

Through a series of coincidences, we met his former US Coast Guard handler. Dex is a retired military working dog. He was used for bomb and drug detection, and from time to time he still alerts. Some of the neighbors smoke pot. He has found stronger, and illegal stuff, as well. He also saved my life. He redirected his training and alerts me if my blood sugars drop.

Last night we had a reminder of his trauma with the Coast Guard. A police helicopter kept flying over us for over half an hour. As a reporter, I turned on the scanner. Dispatch sounded like something Dex heard. Chiefly, it was the chopper.

Dexter in far better shape. His fur is mostly back. He still has a spot of fur on his back that likely will never come back,.

We knew he was flown away after something traumatic happened. He and his handler were injured. Dexter’s back issues may come from that. His skin was not helped either, and exposure may have triggered his AD. But to make a long story short, the dog ended up in the pound (his former handler could not afford his health care.)



Nadin Brzezinski

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB