Democracy is a Threat to American Authoritarians

Nadin Brzezinski
6 min readMay 10, 2022

You might say I am running like a headless chicken screaming about the threat to American Democracy with no cause. Never mind January 6 was a direct attack on that democracy. It was a coup attempt, and people have been charged with seditious conspiracy. So spare me this the this was no sedition.

So now we have evidence of how deep the disdain for democratic norms is within the GOP. The first of these came from a Senate candidate. The other, was a sitting US Senator. These would have been fringe views even two decades ago. Now they are normal, almost expected. These came within hours of each other.

So is the open embrace of fascist ideology by members of Congress. As far as we can see, Republicans are committed to a minority government, where their white supremacy and fascist views will be imposed on the country. It will be done by force if need be.

They are telling us that they don’t believe in the American experiment. We need to stop deluding ourselves. One of the two national political parties has not just pulled the Overton window to the far right. It is ready to dispense with the experiment itself.



Nadin Brzezinski

Historian by training. Former day to day reporter. Sometimes a geek who enjoys a good miniatures game. You can find me at CounterSocial, Mastodon and rarely FB