Another tautology. Incidentally one that is divorced from hormonal reality. Fun fact, somebody with an insulenoma will gain crazy weight even with very low calorie diets. Care to explain that one under CICO? Because if you get why, it will explain to you why a well known side effect of exogenous (injectable, could be inhaled) insulin IS WEIGHT GAIN.
It is also divorced from history…
However, there is a connection, one you are likely unaware. During wartime, or major disasters, people who are not eating carbs, as they used to, tend to get better with diabetes. It’s not CICO…it’s hormones.
We used to know this, speaking of science. But all this research literally went away as we went from German to English as the Lingua Franca of medicine. We were not quite sure how hormones played a role. But we knew there was a role.
At this point people are looking at this with new eyes, but that is not convenient for people who use CICO to shame people.
Go ahead, your friend already did.
Let me add a fun fact, 1200 calories is the standard recommendation, but it is also known as a semi starvation diet. So if the person gains weight on that, genious explain the physiology under CICO. Another fun fact, normal intake is 2000 calories