A few names you are like,y not familiar with.
Steve Bannon is a friend of Alexandr Dugin. The latter you should know. Not as influential as he used to be, but hey. In fact, he is so close an author wrote a book about this in the United States.
Americans maintain Chinese visas, because there is business to be done. A few live in China.
And until the current phase of the war started, yes we call it a war, no fear of silly ten to fifteen year sentences here, Americans regularly travelled to Russia, and had businesses that employed Russians all across the span of the Russian Federation. Hell, we are actually free to protest our government, regularly. None is going to sentence any of us to ten years for holding a sign that says no to war.
You know what else? Currently reading Blowing Up Russia by Yury Felshinsky and Alexander Litvinenko, a book banned in Russia since it details the 1998-9 FSB plot to blow up apartment buildings in Russia…until Ryazan. *It was the FSB. It was not the Chechens*
Like the Gulag Archipiélago once banned in Soviet Russia, this is currently banned in your country, though once published in Novaya Gazeta.
Facts don’t matter to you.
So we are clear, because I get the memory fights, Russia is fascist, but not Nazi, or follows the way of Mussolini. It’s uniquely Russian. It’s Putinism. And yes, your country is also committing war crime after war crime after war crime. Incidentally, Litvinenko was killed by the FSB in London, murdered in 2006 on orders of one Vladimir Putin. You know who Putin is, or that there is a special group within the FSB for these kinds of operations. The reach is long, and not unique to this period of Russian history.
These are *not* the actions of a free country.
I also get it, stay out of politics, depoliticize, you could live your life, mostly, as you wished. But there is a war on, and that depoliticizing is now leaving very few options for Russians. And you did miss the Stalin era thought crime sentence of Vladimir Kara-Murza. I guess the only thing missing is the Gulag.
Oh and he is just the latest.
I also understand why you use terms like liberals and pederasts. Talk about low level extremely bad Russian propaganda. Did you get that lovely from Soloviev on Russia 1, or his radio show? Speaking of contacts, remember Steve Bannon and Dugin? They also go on that crap often, and it’s crap. I must say, Dugin can be lots of fun…